Front Page
Boeing Frontiers
December 2003/January 2004
Volume 02, Issue 08
Boeing Frontiers
Special Features


Welcome to Challenge magazine, a supplement to Boeing Frontiers designed for the engineering and technical work force of Boeing.

Our diverse heritage and long list of achievements mirrors the history of flight, and our leadership in developing commercial and military aircraft and spacecraft helped shape life in the 20th century. Facing a host of new challenges today, we have the opportunity to lead the development of new systems and technologies that can help create a better world in the 21st century.

By combining the best talent, tools and processes from across our great enterprise and around the world, and by all working together, we can fulfill this mission of shaping a better world while pursuing our vision of global aerospace leadership


Where parts play a starring role

Where parts play a starring roleThe Seattle Distribution Center plays a key role in helping Commercial Aviation Services support its customers. Located near Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, the SDC is a 700,000-square-foot facility that houses more than 250,000 different parts and handles almost 1 million orders annually. Other Commercial Airplanes spare parts distribution centers are located in Seattle, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Singapore, Beijing and London, as well as Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Their strategic locations minimize shipping costs for customers and reduce the time it takes for customers to receive a Boeing spare part.


A flight through progress

A flight through progressDecember 2003 marks not only the 100th anniversary of powered flight but also the opening of a major new site dedicated to celebrating humankind's aeronautical achievements.

The Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum is building the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, a second facility for the display and preservation of its historic aviation and space artifacts. The center, located near Dulles International Airport near Washington, D.C., is scheduled to open to the public on Dec. 15.



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