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Boeing Frontiers
December 2003/January 2004
Volume 02, Issue 08
Boeing Frontiers
Around Boeing

Laurette Koellner shaking hands with Prince AndrewCrowning moment at BLC

Boeing Executive Vice President Laurette Koellner thanks His Royal Highness Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, at the close of his recent visit to the Boeing Leadership Center in St. Louis. In his role as United Kingdom Special Representative for International Trade and Investment, Prince Andrew launched a trade program hosted by the Center and organized by Boeing Integrated Defense Systems and the British Consulate. During his address to trade delegates, the Duke praised Boeing's efforts to encourage bilateral relations and trade between countries. The United Kingdom is Boeing's largest non-U.S. source for aerospace goods and services.

Joe DufreneC-17 music video wins fans

An award-winning Boeing music video produced in 2002 has begun taking on a life of its own.

"It's very popular at trade shows and with the Air Force, but now more and more employees are discovering it," said Joe Dufrene of Boeing Creative Services and writer/producer of the video. "It seems to strike a chord with them, especially those familiar with the original song."

Music for Dufrene's video "Anywhere, Anytime!" is put to the tune of "I Can't Drive 55" by rocker Sammy Hagar and features Dufrene's lyrics about the C-17 Globemaster III. The rock beat pumps excitement into the five-minute video that touts the aircraft's capabilities and Boeing's Flexible Sustainment support of the fleet.

Boeing originally produced the video for trade shows and marketing use, and it went on to win a Telly Award in national competition. The awards showcase outstanding non-network and cable TV videos and commercials.

The video is available on the Boeing Web at

Rick Sanford


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