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Boeing Frontiers
December 2003/January 2004
Volume 02, Issue 08
Boeing Frontiers
Commercial Airplanes

Jeppesen goes digital

FAA certification enables Web delivery of information


surface weather forecast and satellite imageJeppesen, a subsidiary of Commercial Airplanes' Commercial Aviation Services, has a long-established reputation as a leading provider of aviation information such as navigational charts, weather information and training aids. But now the Denver-based company is gaining recognition in the online arena.

In September, Jeppesen became the first commercial organization to have earned Qualified Internet Communications Provider certification from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration. With QICP certification, Jeppesen can now use the Internet to deliver weather and Notices to Airmen to the many customers using Jeppesen flight planning and operations management systems. Previously these operators were not able to use Internet-delivered information.

The new certification reflects Jeppesen's focus on creating transformational solutions that integrate information throughout the aviation industry—and that reshape the way pilots and other industry stakeholders use information. Until now, information has generally been used in silos, with very little crossover from one part of the aviation industry to another. Transforming information management is a step toward applying information to the industry as a whole.

Entities that are QICP certified are in compliance with a rigorous set of standards established by the FAA to ensure reliable and continuous access to aviation weather and NOTAMs via the Internet.

Groups seeking QICP certification must document in detail the hardware, software and maintenance procedures being employed and the security measures in place, and how these factors meet the standards for reliability and accessibility. Once documentation is in order, the FAA gets a full demonstration of the entire system. Jeppesen submitted its QICP application to the FAA May 19, and the FAA granted certification Sept. 3.

"More than anything, QICP certification validates standards and procedures that have long been in place at Jeppesen," said Mike Cetinich, Jeppesen's product manager, weather and NOTAMs. "The aviation community has depended upon our flight planning, weather and NOTAM services for many years. This goes the next step and demonstrates our commitment to supporting them in the most efficient way possible."

Jeppesen's QICP certification complements other recent transformational solutions it's offered to customers. Other areas that reflect this strategy include the development and deployment of the Jeppesen Electronic Flight Bag and OPSControl, the Jeppesen flight operations management system.

While market conditions continue to be challenging, Jeppesen is preparing for the up cycle. As then Boeing Chairman and CEO Phil Condit said when Boeing acquired Jeppesen in 2000, "If you are a pilot almost anywhere in the world, you know Jeppesen. This is another great strategic play that brings us an enduring global brand, increases our ability to create more, better and faster solutions for our customers, and helps to create value through our growing services business."


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