Boeing Frontiers
April 2003
Volume 01, Issue 11
Top Stories Inside Quick Takes Site Tools

Hands of sight

Hands of sightWhen Chuck Sheldon was a little boy, he watched his sight-impaired father use a tiny machine that looked like a typewriter.

"What's that, dad?" he asked.

"It's called a Brailler—a typewriter for the sight-impaired," his father replied.

"How does it work?" the boy asked.


Mountain ManMountain Man

Phil Winn was looking for a weekend volunteer activity that could balance out his busy days at Boeing Integrated Defense Systems in Puget Sound.

But he wasn't looking for just anything. He had two requirements: 1) Must be outdoors, and 2) Must not be behind a desk. He ended up finding a volunteer position as a park ranger on Mount Rainier and since 1994 has spent nearly every weekend there.

As a manager for Supplier Management and Procurement Finance, Winn is accustomed to looking out for people's best interests and making sure things are in order. At Mount Rainier, the concept is similar.




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