Boeing Frontiers
April 2003
Volume 01, Issue 11
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Condit going 'Point to Point'—again

Point to Point Web siteIt isn't every day that rank-and-file Boeing employees get a chance to meet and greet company Chairman and CEO Phil Condit.

And it isn't every day that Condit gets to talk to them.

That's why he's again hitting the roads and skies, embarking upon the second annual "Point to Point with Phil Condit" tour in May. But unlike last spring's two-week tour—which included visits to large sites like Seattle, St. Louis, and Wichita, Kan.—this year's tour will stop exclusively in Boeing U.S. locations with between 50 and 1,000 employees. The tour is scheduled to run May 5 to 9 and will take Condit to the Midwest, Midsouth and the East Coast.


Tax time reminder about good record keeping

Doug BainEvery year around tax time, Boeing employees resolve to do a better job of managing their records and information for the following year.

Shared Service Group's Records and Information Management staff reminds Boeing people that they, as individuals, are responsible for managing company records properly, although the RIM staff will help by providing guidelines.

Indeed, many of the lessons RIM offers in keeping or tossing business records are directly transferable to the mess in the home filing cabinet. The key? Deal with them now and deal with them accurately, according to Debra Wible, RIM manager.


Boeing moving 707 Air Force One to Reagan Library

Boeing has started to dismantle a historic 707 that flew for 28 years in presidential service as Air Force One.

In a March 21 ceremony at the San Bernardino, Calif., Airport, Boeing removed the presidential seal from the airplane and turned it over to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Foundation, formally beginning Operation Homeward Bound— the airplane's journey to its permanent home at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, Calif.

"This is not only an opportunity for Boeing to preserve a piece of history but also to demonstrate our dedication to building superior aircraft, then and now," said Debra Peabody, vice president of Commercial Activities for Boeing Washington, D.C., Operations. "With the same pride that we had in building this airplane, we will move it to its new home at the Reagan Library."

A Boeing team will disassemble the airplane, move it to the Reagan Library this summer and complete reassembly by late 2004, when it will go on public display. Boeing is supplying all necessary resources— equipment, tools, technical expertise and labor—to take the airplane apart, move it, and put it back together.

Boeing's work makes possible a vision of the Reagan Library.

"We have assigned the highest priority to fulfilling the President's dream to bring Air Force One to the Reagan Library," said Mark Burson, executive director of the Reagan Library Foundation.

Boeing gets $690 million JDAM contract

The U.S. Air Force in March awarded Boeing a $690-million contract for Lot 7 production of the Joint Direct Attack Munition.

The contract includes JDAM kits for both the U.S. Air Force and Navy. This marks the first production contract for the MK-82 500-pound JDAM. Both 2,000-pound and 1,000-pound warhead kits are included in the contract. All three kits will be produced in the same Boeing Integrated Defense Systems production facility recently opened in St. Charles, Mo.

Boeing also was awarded an $11.6 million firm fixed-price contract modification for foreign military sales of the JDAM to Denmark, United Arab Emirates, Oman and South Korea. This brings the total of international customers for the JDAM program to six.


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