Boeing Frontiers
April 2003
Volume 01, Issue 11
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Integrated Defense Systems

IDS merges ... with its future

IDS merges… with its futureIt's well known that nine months ago Boeing CEO and Chairman Phil Condit announced the creation of an integrated defense business that brought together world-class platform builders and expert large-scale systems integrators. It is also widely recognized that the Integrated Defense Systems organization is structured to provide customers with a one-face, oneplace approach to the best integrated solutions imaginable.

So IDS is in place and ready to go. But what's next? How about strategically aligning 78,000 women and men so they can perform like a well-oiled machine (or a well-wired network, as the case may be)?



MENTOR for the ages

MENTOR for the agesA good mentor adds seasoning to the promise of youth and talent. And for a lot of flight-test engineers at Boeing Integrated Defense Systems who matriculated on the F-15 program, one of the best mentors was Karl Richter, who died last Aug. 4 at the age of 74.

He's remembered by many in the U.S. Air Force and at Boeing who have worked with the F-15. So much so that, on April 10, a new laboratory at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., will be named in his memory.

The Karl Richter Lab combines former F-15 lab facilities at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., with operations at Eglin to provide comprehensive ground testing for F-15 avionics, electronic warfare, radar and weapons systems. Several Boeing and U.S. Air Force officials, as well as members of Richter's family, are scheduled to attend the dedication ceremony.



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