Boeing Frontiers
November 2002 
Volume 01, Issue 07 
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Q. What is "Frontiers Magazine?"

A. Boeing Frontiers is a monthly magazine committed to telling Boeing's global story and relaying news and information about the company's strategic transformation. It is a publication evolved from Boeing News newspaper which ceased publication in March, 2002. Communicators companywide will leverage the new magazine to provide employees, retirees and other stakeholders with in-depth, timely analysis and news about the company, its industries, customers and people. Our charter is to employ the highest journalistic standards to provide news and information in high-quality print and online formats that comply with standards of fairness, accuracy and objectivity.

Q. What time of the month will the magazine come out and how do I get a copy?

A. The magazine will be printed the first Friday of each month and then will be posted online. It will complement the daily and breaking news focus of online Boeing News Now. The high-quality printed version of the magazine will be published and distributed to employees, retirees and other stakeholders. The online version will be available on the Boeing external Web site at:

More FAQs will be available at the "Site Tools - FAQ" link above as they are received and answered by Boeing Frontiers' editorial staff. Please send your questions or comments to:

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