Boeing Frontiers
November 2002 
Volume 01, Issue 07 
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3 Wichita orgs receive highest quality honors

The Kansas Award for Excellence Foundation recently presented three Boeing organizations at the Wichita, Kan., site with the Kansas Award for Excellence, the foundation's highest quality award. The foundation is the state affiliate of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. Boeing organizational recipients are the Struts/Nacelles Composite Value Chain; Wichita Information Services, which includes Shared Services Group Computing and Network Operations and Commercial Airplanes Information Systems; and Wichita Development & Modification Center - Military Aerospace Support Division. This award is based on national Baldrige award criteria.

X-45A UCAV completes fourth flight

The X-45A Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle, which Boeing Phantom Works is developing for the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and U.S. Air Force, completed its fourth system checkout flight above Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. During the 29-minute flight, conducted in October, the vehicle reached an altitude of 7,500 feet and a speed of 195 knots. Initial results indicate the test team verified new flight control laws and ground station software, and was able to conduct several flight envelope expansion maneuvers. Testing is expected to resume after analysis of data from these flights.

AirTran Airways to lease additional 717s

AirTran Airways has signed an agreement with Boeing Capital Corporation to lease 23 additional 717-200s. All the airplanes are scheduled for delivery in 2003. Twenty-two formerly belonged to TWA and American Airlines, and one is a new airplane. To date, Orlando, Fla.-based AirTran has received 46 of the twinjets and, by the end of 2003, will have one of the youngest fleets in the world.


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