Boeing Frontiers
November 2002 
Volume 01, Issue 07 
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New and Notable

FAA OKs Boeing 777, 767 enhanced security door designs

Boeing received Federal Aviation Administration certification for its 777 enhanced-security flight deck airplane door design and for one of three configurations for 767 door designs on Sept. 30. During the next five months, Boeing will deliver 355 flight deck doors to operators of 777 airplanes and 500 flight deck doors to operators of 767 airplanes.

Certifications for other Boeing configurations are expected over the next several weeks. "This is an important milestone for us, but only with the entire industry working together could it be achieved," said Marco Cavazzoni, director of Interiors Center of Excellence for Commercial Aviation Services. Customers have ordered more than 1,300 flight deck door kits for 747, 767 and 777 models.

Japan Airlines 747-400Japan Airlines orders new 747-400 Freighters

Calling the 747 Freighter the standard in the industry, Japan Airlines finalized the airline's first order for Boeing 747-400 Freighters in early October. Boeing plans to deliver the two airplanes in 2004. The new airplanes will enter an extensive Japan Airlines 747 fleet which currently includes 81 747s of various models — 10 of which are 747-200 Freighters. Japan Airlines operates the largest 747 fleet in the world.

Missile Defense team scores another 'hit'

The Ground-based Midcourse Defense program successfully conducted an Integrated Flight Test in October that resulted in an intercept and complete destruction of the incoming target. The test, referred to as Integrated Flight Test - 9, was the fifth system-level test of the program, incorporating all major elements into the test scenario. The intercept occurred over the Pacific Ocean. Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is the prime contractor for the GMD program. With this test, there have been five successful intercepts in seven flight tests since 1999, with approximately 17 more scheduled to take place over the next several years of the developmental test program.

Boeing forms new subsidiary: Boeing Training International

Boeing and FlightSafety International recently signed an agreement allowing Boeing to acquire all of FSI's interests in FlightSafety Boeing Training International, which is their joint venture for aviation training. Boeing will call the resulting new subsidiary Boeing Training International.

With this transition, Boeing will continue to support customers — with broader flexibility in offering training alone or as part of a larger package. Boeing is focused on building an integrated services portfolio that will provide customers with a complete range of global air transport solutions.

"We appreciate the contribution FSI has made in building this world leader in training services, and we look forward to continuing our working relationship with FSI," said Mike Bair, Boeing executive vice president of Commercial Aviation Services.

The joint venture, which Boeing and FSI formed in 1997, became the world's first truly global training delivery system for airplanes in the 100-seat-and-above range.


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