Boeing Frontiers
November 2002 
Volume 01, Issue 07 
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Comprehensive test on GOES N a success

GMD test bed construction ahead of schedule


Boeing Satellite Systems teamed with government and industry partners recently to complete a successful end-to-end systems test on all satellite and ground systems hardware and software subsystems on the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite N spacecraft.

The satellite was in the Integration and Test Complex, as a combined government and industry team at NASA’s Satellite Operations Center in Suitland, Md., and a BSS satellite support team in El Segundo, Calif., coordinated to complete the complex four-day test. The command-and-control team sent thousands of commands to the BSS-built communications telemetry and command, attitude control, and power subsystems.

“The end-to-end test validated the design of both the satellite and the ground station,” said Steve Archer, BSS GOES program director. “Our NASA customer was very pleased with our performance.”

GOES N is the first of three weather-monitoring satellites that will help weather forecasters track severe storms and other weather phenomena with greater accuracy. The spacecraft also will carry a search-and-rescue capability that detects distress signals from ships and downed airplanes.

GOES N is scheduled for a December 2003 launch, with GOES O to follow in 2004. The contract NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center awarded BSS in January 1998 includes options for GOES P and GOES Q.


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